Friday, December 7, 2012

Santa Shop

Hi! I am Keaghan and this is Madison.
  Since it is so close to Christmas our school is having a special shop! This shop only happens one time a year! This shop is called Santa Shop. In Santa Shop you can buy great presents for your friends and family.
  This is how Santa Shop works .First your teacher signs up so students can look at the wonderful presents in Santa Shop. Then a day or two later you go and shop for the presents you want to get for your family. After you pay you get little bags that you put the presents in and when they are in the baggies you can put them under your Christmas tree.
   There are many different toys and presents at Santa Shop. Keaghan really likes the Christmas ornaments. Madison really likes all the UK things in Santa Shop. There are many family presents .Such as grandma coffee cups, dad ornaments, mom mouse pads, batons, purses, rings, and hair bands.
   Now that you know what a Santa shop is maybe you can have one at your school! Me and Madison think that Santa shops are very, cool! Santa Shop is a good way to get presents for your family and friends. They will appreciate it!!
Keaghan Holland Madison Cornell
Shepherdsville Elementary, KY, USA

                                                                              This is a mom ornament.

This is a dad mouse pad.
                                                    This is a grandma coffee cup.

                                             This is a mini purse.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Our Awesome Field Trip - Mammoth Cave!

Hi, our names are Madison, Kyra
 Have you ever been in a cave? Well, our  4th grade students went to  Mammoth Cave for a field trip. It was a really long walk inside the cave.  We walked over  2 miles! The  whole  cave is actually 400 miles long. 
Inside the cave, we saw where people had carved their names on the rocks. You aren’t allowed to do this anymore.  Mammoth cave is the longest cave ever. According to our tour guide, the cave is 250 million years old.  The person who discovered the cave was Henry Branford. Stephen Bishop also explored the cave and was one of the greatest explorers ever.
The Mammoth Cave was made out of Limestone. Limestone is one of the most common types of rock in Kentucky. Mammoth Cave is also made out of Bedrock. Bedrock is a rock that is a solid rock under the looser materials of earth’s surface.
 While we were in the cave, I (Madison) was thinking about the slave working in the cave that the tour guide described.  I know it would be hard work! My partner Kyra was wondering who all discovered the many parts of the cave and who will be next to find more of the cave.   We both thought about how hard all of the people who discovered the cave were working.  Here are some pictures of the cave for you to enjoy!

Our classroom


We recently posted an informational passage about our city. We showed you a picture of our school. We told you some facts about our school and our city. Now we are going to tell  a bit more about our school. You will learn about our classroom and our playground.
     Our classroom is the only classroom that is a circle shape. (It is sort of a circle shape) We have a Promethean Active Board in our classroom. You use a special pen on the board.  We also have a classroom library. In that, we have all sorts of different books. Do you have a classroom library? We also have a clip chart. The clip chart is for the behavior. If we have bad behavior then we will clip down. The colors on our clip chart are gold, purple, green, blue, yellow, and red. If we have good behavior, we can clip up.
     We have two parts on our playground. The two parts are the mulch area and the grass area. On the mulch area there are eight slides. That is a lot of slides! We also have a bouncy bridge. The bridge is called that because when you walk on the bouncy bridge, it wobbles. Lots of people like to walk on the bridge. You have to walk on the bridge just to get to another part of the mulch area. On the grass area there are two cement blocks .The blocks have 4-square and hop scotch on them. There are also two basketball hoops on the grass area .Our playground is very big .Lots of kids like to play tag and football on other parts of the grass area.
 Now you know what our classroom and playground looks like. We hope you like our school. We would like to see your school!
Keaghan, Blake, Conner, JR
Shepherdsville Elementary, KY, USA
                                                This is the mulch area on the playground

                                                                    This is the grass area on the playground
                                                         This is the clip chart.
                                          In this picture you can really see how our room is circle shaped.
This is the American Flag. We say the Pledge of Allegiance to this flag every day.

This is how you abbreviate the state that we live in, Kentucky.

2012 Presidential Election


We are learning about the election for 2012. On Monday, October, 29t h, we started talking about the Electoral College in reading class. We wrote an essay on the election for homework. We also researched Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Tuesday, October, 30th                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We did a mini lesson about the election then, we got a graphic organizer and we got to use laptops to research two issues facing voters for this election.We learned what each candidate would do to help with each issue.
Wednesday, Oct. 31st (Halloween)                                                                                                          
We looked through a newspaper and read an article about Old Mill Elementary School (another school in our community) and how they had a mock election, then we had to write an idea we could use for our mock election that we are having. A mock election is a fake election that can sometimes tell how the real election might go.                                                    
Friday November 2, 2012                                                                                                                                             
We held our mock election. Then two people from each fourth grade class got to help get the supplies ready for the election.  The two people from our class who got to go to the work room to help set up were Sara Brady and Jenna Miles. At the election we had to fill out a ballot and put it in our grade level box. After we voted we got a sticker that said “I Voted “. Then Sara and Jenna counted all the votes for primary and intermediate classes. Barack Obama won for primary and Mitt Romney won for intermediate. Barack Obama won overall for our school and for our countries's presidential election. Now Barrack Obama is our president for four more years.
Sara, Kyra, Madison, Jenna, Matt, Rylee                                                                




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