Welcome Quadbloggers! Read all about our school!

Hi! We are the Shepherdsville Stingrays.What is your school mascot? We are located in Shepherdsville, Kentucky which is in Bullitt County. Our state is in the Southeastern region of the United States.Welcome to Mrs.Stump's 4th grade class blog!!!

   In our class their are 26 students..At our school there are a total of 553 students school!We are preschool through fifth grade.There are 53 classrooms at our school. Our principal is Mr. David Pate.

At school we have something called a Stingray of the Month, that is the student that your teacher thinks is doing the best in class for the month.This month our class Stingray of the Month is Madison Crosby.

We also have something called Stingray Ways.They are, Work cooperatively,Act Responsibly, Your Best Is Expected,and Show Respect.We do this so that we will have excellent behavior during school hours. Do you have things that you say in the morning at your school?We say this every morning on the morning announcements.

Some facts about Bullitt County are:
*The Salt River runs through our community.
*The population of Bullitt County is 11,336.
*The population for Shepherdsville is 3,886.


1 comment:

  1. Hello to Mrs Stump's 4th Grade,

    Thank you for sharing more about your school and community. We don't really have a mascot, but the local football (AFL) and netball club are called Nagambie Lakers (we have a massive lake in the middle of town).
    We are only a small school of about 100 students (5 classrooms) so we only have an assembly each Monday morning where we sing our national anthem. Nagambie have a population of 1,383 people, it's a small country town in the state of Victoria which has a population of 5,603,100 people.
    We look forward to checking out more on your blog this week.
    Warmest Regards,
    Miss A's class
    Nagambie PS


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